The very reason for this blog has kept us quite busy the past few weeks, but then it's easier to blame a 6 week old for your lack of time management isn't it? :-)
The past few weeks have been fast and furious. Addison is growing so fast. She's already on a pretty decent schedule, eating anywhere from 22-27oz a day in 5-6 feedings. She's surprised us with several nights in a row with 8-9pm bedtime and getting up only once around 3:30-4:00am for a feeding and then back to bed till 8am! Oh yeah - we will take that for sure. We can tell she's getting bigger although we haven't weighed her. Her next Dr's appointment isn't for a few more weeks.
I can't even remember all the stuff we've done over the past couple weeks but we've been busy. She met her Grandpa Jones, she went to the zoo, to the botanical gardens and the aquarium. We went on our first road trip Friday to La Jara, NM and then Pagosa Springs, CO to visit my other grandparents and the Zeigler's. Yesterday was super busy. Addison had 5 visitors during the day. Not only was she exhausted but so were we.
Today her grandma and grandpa Parker came to visit for a few days from Kansas. Pictures on that to come down the road...but for now here's a smorgasbord of what we've been up too!
Addison and Rosemary, our neighbor across the street |
4 generations, my Grandad Del Jones, my mom, me and Addi |
Erica and Addi |
Kathy, Erica's mom, and Addi |
My Grandparents, Robert and Rafelita - Addi is their 32nd GREAT grandchild!! |
Wyatt and Seth - if we move to Pagosa, you are babysitting! |
What a blessing to get to see Carla Spence this weekend. |
Monkey's on both side of the glass! |
Hi! |
More to come...