proverbs twenty four: three and four
"by wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches."
Addison has been talking up a storm. We've not had a video camera handy for her longest bouts but did get this just yesterday. We'll keep trying because her little talking spells are so much fun. She's got a tooth coming in and is teething quite a bit.
Below are some pictures of her swimming lessons. She went to Kay's All Swim School for two weeks, 8 sessions and swims like a natural. If she decides to do triathlon she will kick my butt in the pool, course a log could probably kick my butt in the pool. She learned how to kick, roll, use her arms and go underwater. It's actually amazing, she uses our breathing as a cue for when to close her eyes and hold her breath and then dives.
Unfortunately we didn't get any shots of Anna in the pool with Addi. We told the instructor we wanted to switch at the midpoint of her lesson but got caught up in the time and didn't realize it was almost over. The lessons are pretty quick - 20 minutes!
Anyhow, here she is!
This is Addi looking at Mom, with Amy her swim instructor.
I am NOT a fish!
Motor boat....
dive, dive, dive!
Addi loved the green hippo
Still not quite sure about this upside down on my back stuff...