Friday, February 9, 2018

Personality Shines

When things get tough, the tough get positive.

Here are some beautiful ideas about each kid to help you see what a joy our life is despite the difficulties it can present.

Gifty: She loves to sing. She sings all the the car, in the playroom, on her bike, at school, in the shower, at breakfast. She is sensitive to others in distress and I often see her trying to comfort Shiloh and is often holding Addison when she is crying. Gifty loves to be goofy and has a huge smile. She has made friends easily at school and has charmed her ELL teacher to bits. Gifty has discovered that she can ask to sit on my lap and loves it even though she is 11. She likes to play with hair and be creative. She is always drawing things for Addi and Shiloh. Even though she is far behind in school, she tries the hardest and doesn't give up when things get difficult. Gifty is confident.

Kai: He is infinitely curious and always asking questions. His kindness knows no bounds and he is tenderhearted especially towards Shiloh and Baxter. He shares anything and will often give up something he wants because Shiloh wants it, such as, computer time or time on his bike to instead push her on her tricycle. He has the best smile and he means it when he smiles. He absolutely loves to ride his bicycle. Kai is a bit of a perfectionist and does everything to his very best effort. Every night he wants to pray for the boys in the orphanage. He will try anything and hardly every complains about things that he doesn't like

Kumba: She is the goof of the group and the secretly loud one. She presents as shy and quiet but is boisterous and loud when she is comfortable. She is in the discovery and play stage of her life. Addi and her are often found sneaking in play time when every one else is asleep. Those two are becoming best of friends. This girl has the wiggles all day and sleeps like a rock at night. I just love the way deep, dark brown eyes find a sparkle when I look her in the eye. Kumba lacks any fashion sense but looks darn cute anyway and always wears one pair of knee high, sparkly boots.

Addison: She is full of love and can't wait to tell you. I hear her all day telling one of the girl's how much she loves them. She has always been a snuggly one and now has a bigger pool of snugglers to cozy up next to on the couch, and she frequently finds her way into our bed in the middle of the night. Addi is also in that play stage of her life and doesn't go anywhere without a toy of some sort. She is ever the princess and her fashion is a constant reflection of her flare. Her imagination is soaring and it is best expressed outside in the hot, cold, wet, or snowy. She loves to be on her bike, play in the mud, climb on rocks and go for walks. And, I just love that she still says "lello" instead of yellow.

Shiloh: She is a budding flower. While she was not at all cuddly as a child, she has turned into a first class snuggler. She wants to always be held, rocked, patted, hand held, back rubbed, etc... She still wants to be Baby Grace Doggie and even acts out the part. Shiloh has a huge heart and cries in sad parts of a movie and always asking the kids if they are okay if they are crying. She is uber polite always saying "Clease" and "Thank you" in a superficially high voice.  She copies everything her big sisters do and is heartbroken when she isn't big enough to do something they do. Maybe because Kai babies her, but she has a soft spot for him.

Baxter: My oldest "son" has gone deaf and loves it. He sleeps all day, gets back scratches, and is my ever present shadow. He has suddenly become obedient and easy going.

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